Linguistic and Extralinguistic Characteristics of the Processes of Terminologization and Determinologization
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terminosystem, professional language, discourse, terminology, terminologization, determinologization.Abstract
The article examines the linguistic and extralinguistic characteristics of the
processes of terminologization and determinologization, the peculiarities of the use of terms in
professional language. The greatest influence of linguistic and extralinguistic factors on the
development and change of the language as a whole. While extralinguistic factors depend on a
certain historical period, linguistic factors constantly act in the same way and continuously. The
political and social phenomena that took place in the last century formed the basis of the changes
that arose in the lexical system of the Kazakh language, which set the task of responding quickly
and adequately to the new needs of society. Most of the terms came out of special use and began to be mastered in the general literary language, and some words of a general nature began to be used in terminological meaning. Thus, we see that due to the loss of terms of their terminality and their transition to the sphere of universal interests, a person is mobilized in a priority position in the sphere of professional and socio-political, economic interests and depends on the new modern
processes in question. This circumstance has had the greatest impact on the linguistic space of mass media, fiction and speech discourse, which is the most active medium for the use of words of a universal nature. The beginning of use in a different environment has a significant impact on the
terminological meaning of linguistic unity and, therefore, serves as the basis for the formation of
new patterns of development of these units. The analysis and description of these separately
determine the relevance of the issue received in the paper as an object. The relevance of the study of terminology, terminological processes, etc. is due to the special rate of increase in the flow of
scientific and industrial information.
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