Formation of Literary Competence in Philological Specialties in the Course of Modern Kazakh Literature at the University

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  • R. Sabdaliyeva Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University
  • G. Orynkhanova Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University
  • I. Klimenko Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


competence approach, competence, literary competence, descriptors, modern Kazakh literature, works by Ermek Tursunov, pedagogical experiment, efficiency.


The article deals with the problem of the formation of literary competence in the
course of modern Kazakh literature.
The relevance of the study is due to the need to implement a competency-based approach in
university education. The study of modern literature of Kazakhstan is also an urgent task of today.
The professional training of a future philologist should include a holistic understanding of the
modern literary process, including the domestic one.
In the course of the study, historical-functional, intermedial, biographical, systemic methods
and modeling methods were applied.
The authors provide an overview of scientific points of view on the problem of the
competence-based approach in education, compares different approaches to the definition of
competence and competencies, to the relationship between these two concepts. A directed study of the phenomenon of literary competence was carried out, in connection with which an overview of the definitions of the concept was given, and then descriptors of literary competence were
developed on the basis of the works of Ermek Tursunov. The authors proposes a methodology for
the formation of literary competence with the help of a system of tasks based on the genre approach.
The results of a pedagogical experiment proving the effectiveness of the methodology are reflected.
The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of the methodological system for the
formation of the literary competence of future philologists through the development of descriptors and the use of methodological tools. The methods used in the research process were sociological, intermedial, historical-functional methods, as well as the method of pedagogical diagnostics of the level of formed literary competence. The main conclusion obtained by the researchers was that the use of a methodological system for the formation of literary competence in the study of the works of E. Tursunov, consisting of descriptors, a complex of diagnostic tools, a set of tasks, improves the quality of education through an increase in the level of formation of literary competence.The authors see the future direction of research in expanding the field of application of the methodological system through a change in training courses, the material used, and the student body.
The results obtained in the course of the study can serve as the basis for the methodological
support of the process of forming the literary competence of a philologist in the development of
training courses.


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