Postmodernist Text as Didactic Teaching Tool for Philologist Students
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express course, case technology, innovative teaching techniques, intertextual analysis, parable analysis, Trello kanban board.Abstract
This article is a theoretical and practical justification for creating courses and
didactic materials for offline-online teaching, that is, such a way of studying the subject with
students of philology, the effectiveness of which would not depend on the transition from offline to online mode of learning and vice versa. Based on the research the author proposes to study the literature of postmodernism with the help of case study methodology and Trello technology. Shows the use of innovative methods in teaching the philological discipline to improve the level of
linguistic and cultural competence of students, as well as ways of presenting the material during the classroom sessions. The article demonstrates how general theoretical and highly specialized
practical tasks are combined in one case. Auxiliary didactic material in the form of scientific articles and dissertations is indicated, the purpose of this aspect of the assignment is to teach students how to work with scientific sources. The schemes created for the study of the novel within the framework of case technology are presented. This article describes the methodology for creating an express course for philology students studying the literary direction of postmodernism. This method is relevant during the transition to online learning, when creating electives, in teaching a number of disciplines related to the study of modern literature. The novel by Sasha Sokolov “School for Fools” (“Shkola dlia durakov”) is taken as an example-base, but it can be any novel in the genre of post-structuralism at the discretion of the teacher. Studying the novel of the 20th century, a novel in the genre of post-structuralism, where there is a variety of genre forms, can be a good basis for a quick and effective development of the topic.
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