Formation of Professional Training of Future Chemistry Teachers in the Discipline «Analytical Chemistry»

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  • G.T. Sarbayeva Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • D.K. Berdi Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • M.T. Sarbayeva Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


professional and special competencies, training results, educational program, model of the future specialist.


Today, the results of training in universities that train chemistry teachers are
determined on the basis of the first level of Dublin descriptors for undergraduate studies and are
reflected through specific competencies. Therefore, the results of training are formed at all levels of
the educational program (EP) that trains chemistry teachers, that is, at the level of a separate
discipline, module. High-quality organization of the content of basic disciplines is of particular
importance for future chemistry specialists to achieve special competencies. In this regard, the
presented article focuses on the methodological aspects of teaching chemical disciplines that
contribute to the formation of a broad worldview, a high culture of thinking, an educated person in
the training of chemistry specialists at the International Kazakh-Turkish university named after
Khoja Ahmed Yasawi.
The purpose of our research work is a comprehensive analysis of the components of the
professional competencies of the Analytical Chemistry course and preparing for future professional
activity by creating a methodology that forms the general and professional competencies of the
future chemistry teacher. Therefore, as the object of research work, the course “Analytical
Chemistry” is taken as a basis. Features, meaningful and effective opportunities for general and
professional competencies are provided, which are analyzed for its content, the place and
significance of the subject in the chemical education system is determined, and is also formed when
teaching other chemical disciplines.
The course of the study of the problem of organizing the education system with a focus on
the principles of competence was organized in the field of control, data collection, analysis of
statistical data, their generalization, oral and written requests. From the results obtained, it follows
that in the formation of fundamental chemical-analytical knowledge and professional motivational
and value relationships among students, the presence of various tasks focused on effective teaching
methods and competencies is of great importance.


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