The Problem of the Latin Alphabet in Kazakhstan and Turkey

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  • N. Abdurakhmanov Shymkent University
  • A. Bahtybaev Shymkent University
  • R. Kupbaeva Shymkent University


Kazakhstan, Turkey, Latin alphabet, new writing, spiritual harmony, educational organizations, national interest.


The transition to the latin alphabet is a decisive and courageous step for an even closer rapprochement of the kazakh society with the turkic world. Most of our sister countries from the turkic world use the latin alphabet. This is a visual indicator of the convenience of the latin for sounds that are inherent only in the turkic languages. In the world, all innovative innovations, first of all, are produced on the latin chart. 

The article deals with various situations in the transition to the latin alphabet in Kazakhstan and Turkey. An effective way to transition to a new alphabet, as well as the principles of spiritual closeness between the two countries on this situation. Currently, there is a transition of the kazakh alphabet to the latin alphabet. In this regard, the problem of creating a new alphabet is very relevant. In fact, the transition to the latin alphabet also gives the younger generation the opportunity to master English fluently, while preserving our national identity and at the same time facing global challenges. The article also touches upon the history of the transition to the latin alphabet of the two countries, while seeking to explore the advantages and disadvantages of the modern alphabet
It is necessary to return to the question of translating the kazakh alphabet into the latin alphabet. Once we postponed it. Nevertheless, the latin script is dominant in the communication space, and it is no coincidence that many countries, including post-Soviet ones, are switching to the latin alphabet.


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