The Practice of “Caravan of Knowledge” Organization in Developing STEAM Education Method in Kazakhstan
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STEAM education, STEAM events, “Caravan of knowledge”, Kazakhstan, school teachers, 3D modeling, additive technologies.Abstract
This article examines the position of scientists considering STEAM education an essential factor in economic growth. Based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods, the role, significance, and initiatives of the educational organization “Caravan of Knowledge,” sponsored by Chevron for the development of STEAM education in Kazakhstan, were explored, and school teachers’ attitudes to this approach were also studied. Various initiatives and activities aimed at increasing the level of knowledge and competence of subject teachers in the field of STEAM and promoting the development of STEAM education since the creation of the “Caravan of Knowledge” were analyzed. A training course was conducted to increase teachers' knowledge level in STEAM disciplines. At the end of the course, teachers’ opinions were collected and systematized through questionnaires and interviews. By the “Road map for the development and implementation of STEAM education in Kazakhstan for 2021-2025,” the educational organization “Caravan of Knowledge” initiated measures and strategies for developing and implementing STEAM in the educational process. Currently, the organization is actively conducting courses, competitions, and festivals to train teachers in STEAM teaching methods and develop students’ interest in STEAM technologies. This study identified that professional training for STEAM teachers at the university is necessary.
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