Nonverbal Actions in the Kazakh Tradition

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nonverbal techniques, culture, tradition, symbol, communication, background knowledge.


This article comprehensively examines the nature of nonverbal techniques in the Kazakh tradition. Each nation has its own way of life and customs, rituals and traditions that were formed in accordance with the era in which it lived. Therefore, the nonverbal techniques of each nation are associated with the worldview and culture of this people. In addition to linguistic means of communication, nonverbal techniques also reflect national differences. All the features of the life of this people are preserved against the semantic background of non-verbal techniques based on a national-cultural basis. Therefore, nonverbal techniques that have a national-cultural basis belong to our cultural wealth, which has absorbed the features of the mentality of our ethnic group. Due to these features, the traditional nonverbal techniques of the Kazakh people are considered as a form of cognitive linguistics and ethnolinguistics. This is due to the fact that the semantics of nonverbal techniques, including traditional nonverbal techniques, are not formed simply. Semantics in it is connected with the people’s system of thinking and worldview and acquires a certain symbolic meaning. Thus, based on the experience of an entire nation in the use of language, it is consolidated and acquires a communicative character. In the future, pronunciation becomes stable in form and is transformed into phraseological units. Thus, a national code with a certain information range is formed.
In addition, the article analyzes the connection of many non-verbal techniques based on national traditions with the religious beliefs of the people at certain times. Superstitions are formed from such beliefs among the people. Most of these rituals are considered to be inextricably linked with non-verbal techniques. That is why superstitions and prohibitions occupy a special place in the study of non-verbal techniques related to customs and rituals characteristic of our people and in the recognition of the nation's worldview. Traditional nonverbal techniques are not limited to providing additional information during a communicative act, but also inform about the worldview and knowledge of communicants. The study found that the background of nonverbal techniques lies in the culture and knowledge of the nation. It is for this reason that we consider them (non-verbal techniques) as the national code above. It was determined that all national nonverbal techniques contain visual information and a model of familiarization with the surrounding world.


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