Meta-analysis of Studies on Abay’s Heritage in the Turkic World

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Abai, Abay, Kunanbay, Qunanbay, turkic world, meta-analysis, bibliography.


In this scholarly article, a comprehensive meta-analysis of bibliometric data pertaining to the scholarly output within the Turkic world concerning Abai's legacy has been undertaken. The primary objective of this study is to compile and analyze works related to Abai's heritage in the Turkic world from 1996 to 2023, employing a range of bibliometric indicators.
The research adopts a qualitative research methodology. Within this framework, extensive information, and data pertinent to Abay's heritage have been meticulously analyzed employing bibliometric analysis techniques. The findings and conclusions of this study are effectively presented using graphical representations, charts, and tables.
Data for this research have been sourced from reputable academic databases, including Elsevier Scopus, ScienceDirect, ResearchGate,,, all of which host peer-reviewed academic journals in an electronic format. Additionally, information was retrieved from the databases of Turkish Higher Education, Master's, and Doctorate Dissertations, available at
Furthermore, bibliographic data from esteemed institutions such as the National Library of Azerbaijan, Alisher Navoiy O'zbekıston Milli Library, Akhmet Zaki Validi National Library of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Milli Library of the Republic of Tatarstan, and Dwett Kitaphanasy, the national electronic libraries of Turkmenistan, were meticulously collected and incorporated into the study.
The research dataset comprises 114 scientific research articles, 26 translated versions, 11 master's theses, and 4 doctoral dissertations. These works collectively investigate the theme of Abai's heritage in the Turkic world from 1996 to 2023. Notably, during the period 2020, there has been a discernible increase in the number of published works pertaining to Abai's legacy, with the majority of these works (114) being featured in 48 Turkish-language academic journals. Remarkably, Abai's legacy has transcended linguistic boundaries, with translations of his works being available in languages such as Uzbek (7), Turkish (6), Kyrgyz (5), Azerbaijani (4), Karakalpak (1), Tatar (1), Turkmen (1), and Uyghur (1).
The findings and conclusions presented within this article serve as a valuable resource within the realms of Kazakh literature and «Abaytanu», offering insights and a comprehensive overview of the scholarly output concerning Abai's legacy within the Turkic world.


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