The Potential of the Sacred Places of Zhetysu in the Development of Religious Tourism

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  • S. Ospanova L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • А. Kabylova L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University


spiritual revival, holy places, sacred Kazakhstan, religious tourism, mausoleums, historical and cultural heritage.


The proposed article reflects the potential of sacred places in the Karatal and Koksu regions of the Almaty region in the development of sacred tourism. After all, the rich history of the region, the life and work of famous personalities who lived in the region help to unlock the potential of unique cultural and religious attractions, introduce the population to traditional values, foster patriotism and humanism, spiritual and moral qualities. The introduction outlines the relevance of the topic, the work carried out within the framework of the «Rukhani Zhangyru» program, as well as the main purpose of this study. The methods of field research used in the course of the study, the methodology of information collection are indicated. The problem of the trend of scientific interest in the phenomenon of religious tourism was also considered. Information was given about the issues that affect domestic, Russian, and foreign scientists within the framework of this topic. The main part presents the results of field studies of a number of sacred sites located in the Karatal region of Semirechye. The current state of the mausoleums of Eskeldy bi, Balpyk bi, Aitu bi, Karymbai aulie and Zholbarys batyr, the motives of visitors' travels have been studied. When writing the article, collections of regional authors containing legends, stories, facts dedicated to historical figures were widely used. In the final part, the results of the study are summarized and the main conclusions are presented. Proposals have been developed on which issues to prioritize in order to create favorable conditions for the development of this type of tourism.


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