Investigation of the Origin of the Scythians According to Written Sources
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scythian, steppe, nomadic culture, Saki, Iron Age.Abstract
Greek sources, mainly Chinese, Persian and Assyrian sources revealed by the findings of archaeological excavations in the information given in the elucidation of the history and culture of the Scythians has taken an important place and to keep it continue. Despite the research conducted by many scientists on the origin of the Scythians, who, taking part in historical events from Manchuria to Hungary, from the Caucasus to Egypt, “made history, but did not write it”, there was no consensus among scientists. There is not enough information about the origin of the Scythians in ancient sources and finds unearthed as a result of archaeological excavations. With the beginning of Scythian studies, the issue of the origin of the Scythians was also raised and various opinions were put forward. E.H. Minns states the importance of the issue by saying that “no issue related to ethnography has perhaps been discussed as much as the problem of the ancestry of the Scythians”. On this issue, which keeps minds busy various opinions have been put forward by carrying out studies from the XVIII century to the present day. Some authorities have stated that the Scythians belonged to the Iranian, some to the Slavic, and some to the Ural-Altaic race. Accordingly, three different points of view arise – the Iranian, Slavic and Ural-Altaic views. The article discusses the origin of the Scythians in the light of written sources.
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