Theory of Text and Discourse in Linguistic Research

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  • Kozhakhmet А.К. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • Hussainova L.M. Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla


text and discourse, linguistic research, anthropocentrism, speech acts, addressee – text – recipient, scientific text.


The article is devoted to the history of the study of the theory of text and discourse in linguistic works, the definition of the relationship between concepts, the comparison of the concepts of text and discourse. In the course of the study, the opinions of scientists forming and developing the theory of text and discourse are compared (F. de Saussure, O. Moskalskaya, I. Galperin, O. Akhmanova, A. Bondarko, T. van Dijk, G. Melnikov, A. Baitursynuly, K. Zhubanov, R. Syzdyk, N. Uali, Zh. Mankeeva, Zh. Zhakupov, A. Salkynbay) and general conclusions are given. The linguistic features of the text, the characteristic features of the discourse are determined by the linguistic data. In addition, the analysis of the differences and similarities of the discourse with the text is carried out. The research of the subject, semantic and structural integrity, grammatical patterns in text formation is carried out. Based on the conducted research, the author gives similarities and differences between the concepts of text and discourse. In addition, the scientific text of the scientist M. Balakayev was considered, and stylistic, cognitive, discursive and pragmatic analysis was carried out. Through the text of the scientist, the relationship and specificity between the text and discourse were revealed. The results of the analysis demonstrated that the text is the result of thought, the process property of discourse. This article is relevant for researchers of the theory of text and discourse.


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