Inflectional Preposition dirä in Armenian-Letter Kipchak Turkish Texts

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  • Ozturk A. Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • Suyinjanova J. Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


Historical Kipchak, Kipchak Turkish with Armenian Letters, Prepositions, Inflectional Prepositions, Preposition dirä.


Kipchak Turkish with Armenian script is one of the interesting and special fields of
Turkish language with its linguistic features, the alphabet it uses, the interactions it reflects between languages and dialects, and its diversity of subjects such as history, religion and philology. With the written texts it produced in Eastern Europe in the 16th-17th centuries, it also has the feature of being the only written language period of Historical Kipchak. This period, which provides important data for interdisciplinary studies and fields with its socio-linguistic features, has attracted much more attention as a field of study in Turkology in recent years.
Within the field of linguistics, prepositions have been the subject of many studies.
Prepositions, which appear as a multifaceted grammatical element in terms of phonetic, lexical, semantic, syntactic and even morphological aspects, have been witnessed as an important element in the sentence construction of Turkish since Köktürk texts. In all periods of Turkish language, prepositions have had a usage area by sometimes becoming variants, sometimes developing, and sometimes being borrowed from foreign languages.
This study is a study centred on the texts of Kipchak Turkish with Armenian script, and the data on the inflectional preposition dirä obtained as a result of scanning these texts are presented. In this direction, the functionality and usage area of the inflectional preposition dirä are evaluated in the study.



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