Synergetics in Abai's works

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  • D. Kaliakpar Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • N. Kuantayuly Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
  • B. Tolepbergen Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


Abay, mythology, olsynergetics, mythopoetics, image, archaic, pаradigma.


This article discusses the relationship of mythology and the concept of «synergetics» in the work of Abai. The direction of mythopoetic synergetics in the poet's poems is analyzed and revealed. In poetry in general, in literature, questions of fire and water, light and darkness, life and death are eternal themes associated with human nature. The experience of the human spirit, which has its roots in cosmic existence, deeply assimilated these questions in the artistic horizon of its existence. Versatility and goodness are subtly considered. Natural phenomena and seasons are taken as cosmic substances, such as wind, storm, hurricane, cloudiness, fog, summer, winter, autumn. World antinomies are accompanied by the contradictions of human life. Light and darkness, life and death alternate. Eternal phenomena occurring from time immemorial.

Such melancholy colors of nature are intertwined with the melancholy melodies of the human soul. Psychological parallels have become the philosophical essence of life.

 Since such eternal themes of human life have been sung since ancient times, now they form archetypal (prototype) layers, full of archaic features, which are explained by a special mythopoetic background.


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