The Problem of Speech Culture in Mass Media
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speech culture, media language, media level, spelling mistakes, orthoepic norm, vocabulary, media textsAbstract
The author of this article is concerned about the preservation of the culture of speech in modern mass media (press, radio, television, Internet sites, social networks) and discuss its main causes and consequences. The relevance of the research is due to the fact that scientists pay attention to the study of the peculiarities of the functioning of the media language and the problems of its deviation from the literary language norm. The purpose of the study is to identify the influence of the media language on the state of the Kazakh language as a whole and to find out how and to what extent this influence occurs, to analyze errors in the composition of the Kazakh media text. With the help of the research material, it is possible to determine the level of changes in the Kazakh language by conducting grammatical and lexical analysis. The main hypothesis is that errors in the language of the media affect the Kazakh language through the media, including through social networks, at all linguistic levels, especially by changing grammatical and lexical rules.
The theoretical significance of the study is that the speech practice of modern mass media is actively developing, and, on the one hand, the number of text materials appearing in the field of mass media is increasing, and on the other hand, these texts have many errors that affect the status of language and speech, which are not so obvious to society. These consequences are characterized by the appearance of new newspapers and magazines, completely different in content and nature of the development of speech culture of new TV and radio programs, etc. In the speech practice of society as a whole, the share of speech products of mass media is increasing, the importance of mass media texts in the public consciousness is increasing: at present, the main importance of literary texts is indisputable. All of the above in this study boils down to the fact that a high level of speech culture in the field of mass media should be provided not only by linguists, but also by practitioners who form the vocabulary of the language of mass media. The study used general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis and deduction in the process of studying and systematizing theoretical material.
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