Folk Ornament is One of the Means of Pedagogical Education
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polyfunctional folk art, folk ornament potential, ornament, fine art, artistic and creative activity.Abstract
Decorative and applied arts as a spiritual culture of society developed over the centuries, achieving the spread of real folk traditions and customs, which at certain stages of historical development formed its moral culture. The study of ornament is a means of achieving certain results in the development of creative activity of future teachers of fine arts. The article reveals the aspects and functions of ornamental art which makes it possible to apply its study in the educational process of pedagogical universities as an effective way to build a complete picture of the world and the
development of students’ artistic and creative activity. This paper is devoted to folk ornaments as multifunctional phenomenon of folk culture. Its potential is seen by the authors as a source of reserve and worldview, values, moral, artistic, aesthetic and educational means. Definitions of the most important aspect in ornamental art are given.
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