Artistic Dimension of the Image of Abay in the Visual Arts

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  • K. Eralin Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


image, artistic image, artistic dimension, ideological content, compositional solution, color of the picture, skill of the artist


The article defines the concept of "image", "artistic image", "portrait", "artistic dimension" in visual art. It indicates the artistic activity of masters of graphics, painting, sculpture, applied art to create an artistic image of the great poet of the Kazakh people. The author concretizes the units of artistic measurement of the image of the poet of the great steppe in the visual arts in the dimension: idea, composition, color, and technique of execution. The methods of artistic measurement in the works of graphic artist Abilkhan Kasteev, Yevgeny Sidorkin, painter Nagimbek Nurmukhammedov, and sculpture of Khakimzhan Nauryzbayev are determined. The model, program and method of artistic measurement of the poet's image are characterized. The results of an experimental study on the study of the image of Abay in visual art are analyzed. It offers methodological recommendations for studying the artistic image of the great poet Abay as a means of artistic education and aesthetic education of the younger generation.

Author Biography

K. Eralin, Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor


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How to Cite

Eralin Қ. (2020). Artistic Dimension of the Image of Abay in the Visual Arts. Turkology, 104(6), 136–149. Retrieved from


