Karakalpak poetry and the artistic character of dedication poetry in the works of I. Yusupov

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  • K. Turdıbayev Berdak Karakalpak State University


hymns (poems), dedication poetry, ballad, lamentation verse, verse-request


The article examines the place of I. Yusupov's poetry in the history of Karakalpak literature and genre features of dedicated poems in the poet's work. Artistic approaches in the poetry of I. Yusupov renew the artistic form of poetry. The poet's additions to the types of initiations in literature increased the significance of the genre. Therefore, we believe that a special study of this genre in the poet's work will serve to reveal the peculiarities of the poet's lyrics. In this article, we will focus on the nature of the development of the genre of initiation in the poet's work. The works of scientists who commented on the poet's work laid the foundation for the methodological conclusions of our article. Dividing I. Yusupov's poems into types, a thematic, genre, poetic analysis will be carried out. Civic pathos, lyrical
thought, poetic clarity, poetic culture and other qualities are characteristic of the poet's work. The poetic tradition of Ibragim Yusupov continues in modern Karakalpak poetry.

Author Biography

K. Turdıbayev, Berdak Karakalpak State University

Candidate of Philology


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How to Cite

Turdıbayev Қ. (2020). Karakalpak poetry and the artistic character of dedication poetry in the works of I. Yusupov. Turkology, 104(6), 64–77. Retrieved from http://676614.bc062.asia/index.php/turkology/article/view/224


