Some Philosophical Ideas in Al-Farabi's Political and Ethical Views

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  • Gulzira SHADINOVA Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


Al-Farabi, politics, state, virtue, people, morality


This article discusses some of the philosophical ideas of al-Farabi's political and ethical views. Al-Farabi not only analysed socio-political phenomena, but also tried to show the society and the state a reasonable and fair direction. The idea of a thinker was of practical significance and a kind of prediction of the future of human society, which was an innovation in the political philosophy of Al-Farabi. The importance of the research lies mainly in the development of theoretical principles and recommendations proposed by the philosopher. Socio-political and socio-ethical ideas of al-Farabi are considered as the idea of creating a perfect human unity based on the universal harmony of happiness and well-being in society, and thus he tried to theoretically solve the social and moral problems of his time. The thinker was able to show the comprehensive development of politics, state and government, society and state, the principles of their organization and forms of government in his treatise «A treatise on the views of the inhabitants of a virtuous city».

Author Biography

Gulzira SHADINOVA, Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

PhD., Associate Professor


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How to Cite

SHADINOVA Г. . (2021). Some Philosophical Ideas in Al-Farabi’s Political and Ethical Views. Turkology, 106(2), 76–95. Retrieved from


