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Pamphlet, Kesbname, Fütüvvetname, Profession, Profession of Soap


Choosing a profession is one of the most important turning points in a person’s life. So much so that some professions and professionals have been more respected than others over the ages. From past to present, treatises describing the history and methods of each profession have been written. The organization in the professional groups also reflects the clues of the state structure. For this reason, by looking at these treatises on the professions in a society, inferences can be made about the social life and philosophy of life of that society. In this study, a manuscript written in Chagatai Turkish and registered with the name “Risāle-i Ṣābūngerį Bu Turur” in a journal in Hüseyin KABA’s personal library was examined. In today’s Turkish, it can be called Sabuncu/luk Risalesi. It is thought that the work was written in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. In the work, the names of ten wajibs and seventeen pirs and guides of the Sabun-gerlik profession are listed. After it has been stated that all masters and masters performed their deeds according to the treatise, it is recommended that each master do their job according to this treatise, read and have it taught. It is stated that those who read the treatise will find blessings, and those who do not read and do not practice will be in a difficult situation in the hereafter before the masters and masters, they will be ashamed, and even those who do not act according to this treatise are forbidden to eat. In addition, the origin of the materials used in soap making, their qualities, the production stage of the soap, and the prayer to be recited in each step of the process until it is taken to the market and sold are specified. In our study, first of all, the tradition of writing futuwwa in Turkish culture and the treatises created in this direction and the characteristics of these works were emphasized, and the text was transcribed and compared with the text of “Risāle-i Sābūn-gerlik” written by Molla Muhammed Miskin Gedayî. Spelling, sound and shape features of the work were briefly emphasized and the characteristic features were revealed. In the conclusion section, the data obtained are indicated. A facsimile of the work has been added at the end of the work.

Author Biography

Hüseyin KABA, Tashkent Ali Shir Nevai University of Uzbek Language and Literature



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How to Cite

KABA, H. . (2022). WRITTEN IN ÇAĞATAY TURKISH A PAMPHLET OF PROFESSION OF SOAP. Turkology, 112(4), 168–189. Retrieved from http://676614.bc062.asia/index.php/turkology/article/view/1764


