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folk crafts, turkic ethnoculture, ornaments, spirit, symbol, artistic images, cultural values, signs of Turkic ethnoculture


The article examines the essence and content of folk decorative crafts in the system of art education, which is implemented in the country on the basis of such programs as “Cultural Heritage”, “Spiritual Revival”, “Seven Facets of the Great Steppe”. The manifestations of centuries-old Turkic culture in Kazakh decorative crafts are considered in detail, its character in the theories of Turkic ethnoculture is analyzed from historical, spiritual, artistic points of view. On the basis of the Turkic knowledge, the stylistic, symbolic and figurative features of some handicrafts, especially headdresses, such as saukele, takiya, and the use of ornaments in them, characterizing the features of the Turkic ethnoculture, are analyzed. The similarities of folk crafts of the Kazakh and other Turkic peoples in the Turkic ethnoculture are shown, as well as evidence that the development of folk crafts is in close connection with the worldview, beliefs, way of life, economy of the peoples. National ornaments, symbolic images, motifs in the crafts of the Turkic peoples are compared, their semantic features are described as signs of the Turkic ethnoculture. The special place of Kazakh crafts in the Turkic ethnoculture as a direct successor of nomadic traditions on the land of the Great Steppe is determined, historical, ethnographic and artistic scientific explanations are given to them.

Author Biography

Erzhan AUELBEKOV, Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences


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How to Cite

AUELBEKOV . Е. (2022). IMAGES OF TURKISH ETHNOCULTURE IN KAZAKH DECORATIVE ART. Turkology, 112(4), 92–109. Retrieved from


