Ways to form students' creative abilities in the school mathematics course

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  • E. Tleukeev Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • N. Ertaev Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

«Creative abilities of students», research activity, Special Task (report), high school students, skills.


The article discusses the theoretical foundations and pedagogical features of the organization of students' creative abilities during the development of «creative abilities of students». The factors and conditions that contribute to the skills of students' creative abilities are revealed, didactic units and functions worthy of organizing students' research activities are considered in the mathematical learning process, the structure of which is indicated. In teaching mathematics, the definition of «creativity» is clarified. A pedagogical analysis of textbooks of the natural and mathematical direction is carried out and the advantages in textbooks are indicated. The concept of «creative abilities of students» is considered and problems are given.

Scientific research was carried out in the general secondary school «Shokai No. 24». When conducting research work, methods of analysis of pedagogical and psychological literature, pedagogical analysis of creative abilities, observation, survey, pedagogical experiment are used.

As a result of the research, search and research, creative tasks aimed at the development of search and research, creative activities of students were compiled. Students were interviewed anonymously. The study involved 57 students, 25 percent of whom were able to complete the tasks in full. Discussing the results of the survey; students who work with additional literature, who are interested in independent search, creative work, were able to complete the tasks.

The result of scientific research can be used as an auxiliary tool for specialists in the field of mathematics, who teach algebra courses in the school curriculum, search and Research tasks for the development of search and research activities of students.



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