The use of mobile applications that allow the use of ar technology in understanding the phenomena of physics
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mobile applications, AR (augmented reality) technologies, physics training, visualization, interactive learning.Abstract
The article "The use of mobile applications that allow the use of AR (augmented reality) technology in understanding physics phenomena" provides an overview of modern mobile applications designed to enrich the educational process in the field of physics using augmented reality (AR). In addition, he examines the benefits of using AR, such as increasing student motivation, improving understanding of abstract physics concepts, and creating interactive learning environments. The article provides examples of popular applications that allow you to visualize physical phenomena, conduct virtual experiments and demonstrate complex physical concepts using smartphones and tablets. The article discusses various applications available on the market and provides detailed information about their functionality and benefits.
The article considers the following aspects: assessment of the role of AR technology in education and its impact on the educational process in physics; review of popular mobile applications capable of creating interactive and visual educational scenarios in AR to understand the phenomena of physics; analysis of the capabilities and limitations of each application, including accessibility, device compatibility and the quality of the educational content offered.
This article gives a complete picture of how modern mobile applications with AR technology can make learning physics fun, interactive and effective, and experimentally proves its effectiveness.
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