Botanik Bahçesindeki Tanıtılan Bitkilerin Üreme Teknolojisi Öğrencilerine Öğretimin Etkinliği

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  • G.İ. İsayev Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Uluslararası Türk-Kazak Üniversitesi
  • Ş.B. Abdalimova Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Uluslararası Türk-Kazak Üniversitesi

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Introduced plants, Salix babilonica L., technology of reproduction, methodology, students, method of cuttings, Botanical Garden.


This article discusses the effectiveness of introducing and teaching students the features of reproduction of introduced plants in the Botanical Garden. Attention was paid to the
study by the method of observation in the natural environment of introduced plants. Salix babilonica L., which is distinguished by its beauty and high level of adaptability. the type was chosen for research work.
In the course of conducting research work with students, the survey method, presentation and discussion method were used. In order to increase the interest and motivation of students in the
course of the study, excursions were organized in the Botanical Garden of the International Kazakh-Turkish university, where Salix babilonica L. was introduced among the plants. according to the
method of stem plucking, pliers were removed from the species, and work was carried out on their planting.
As a result of the survey, it was found that students had a high level of understanding of the reproduction of introduced plants and were particularly interested in conducting research in the
Botanical Garden. The experience gained in mastering the technology of reproduction of introduced plants increased the desire of young specialists to science and formed research skills. During the study, Salix babilonica L. 150 cuttings of the species were planted, of which 85% received planting material that has passed the rooting stage at a high level. The use of ecological and physiological aspects of adapted plants in the educational process is considered. The methodology of research work has been developed and proposed to be introduced into the educational process.
Based on the results of the study, it was found that effective ways to teach the technology of reproduction of introduced plants in the Botanical Garden can be used as an auxiliary tool for future
biology teachers and as a methodology for organizing laboratory work.


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