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  • G. MUSSABEKOVA Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • L. MYRZABEK Syrdarya University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

teenager, civil engagement, patriotism, homeland, education, teacher.


In the context of this paper, the formation of civil activity of adolescent students is understood as a purposeful process of organizing academic and non-academic forms of student activity aimed at the formation and development of adolescents’ holistic and conscious ideas about the nature of citizenship, the development of positive motivation and awareness of the value of the rights and duties of citizens, the development of skills of active citizenship and its expression in the behavior and activities of students.
We have conducted a theoretical study which shows that the degree of readiness of teenagers to civil engagement in their practice directly and immediately determined by the level of development of its cognitive, motivational and procedural components, all of which work together and ensure the establishment and development of integrated personality of the student.
The results of the final measurement show the developed complex of actions that ensure the involvement of students in various activities, organization of children’s interaction with the organization and parents in the formation of civil engagement allow students to achieve tangible growth of the studied quality in adolescents due to the existence of sufficient and high levels of action, together representing the procedural component of civil engagement of adolescent studies.
We conducted special work with the teachers of the school according to the method of formation of civil activity of students, interaction with children’s organization and the parent community contributed to the change in the quality of relations between social institutions. During the formative experiment was discovered a direct correlation of the formation and development of civil activity from the level of formation of a group of children, her educational system. This has resulted in the formation of personal relationship, such as: expansion of subject desire of a group of socially useful and important activity; intolerance to manifestations of anti-social and civil engagement of studies; the desire to obtain new knowledge, to raise the general level of culture, to work for their country, etc.


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