W. Shakespeare’ın 127-154 Sonelerinin Çevirilerinde Renk Sözlüğünün Karşılaştırmalı Analizi
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Anahtar Kelimeler:
translation of Sonnets, indirect translation, colors translation, complex colors interpretation, Shakespeare’s color palette.Özet
Khamit Yergaliyev is a poet who fully translated the sonnets of William
Shakespeare into Kazakh. In his translation work, he turned to the Russian version of the sonnets
translated by Samuil Marshak.
The colors used by W. Shakespeare in his sonnets 127–154 are analyzed in this article.
According to the usage of each color the excerpts from the poet’s sonnets were given, and their
meaning and frequency were determined and shown in the study. The original excerpts are
reviewed and compared with Samuil Marshak’s and Khamit Yergaliev’s variants.
The purpose of this research is a detailed analysis of the use of colors in the sonnets of
W. Shakespeare in all three of its versions. The article aims to reveal the differences and similarities between the variants, as well as the features of each writer. The idea of this scientific work is to compare the use of colors in all three versions, to identify the most frequently used color, to show the frequency of use of colors in the translated variants. The scientific significance of the presented work lies in the insufficient study of Kh. Yergaliev’s variant of the sonnets in this particular direction. The practical significance of the study is determined by the usefulness of the presented data for the research work of students, undergraduates and doctoral students.
Methods of analysis and synthesis were widely used. Sorting method was effective for the
systematization of the research. The basis was the comparative method, through which significant results were obtained. These methods allowed us to conclude that there are various differences in the use of colors between the original sonnets and versions by S. Marshak and Kh. Yergaliev. This article can become a guideline for future research on the analysis of translated versions of sonnets.
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