Eğitimci Bir Müzisyenin Mesleki Eğitim Sürecindeki Bilgi Teknolojilerini Kullanımının Önemi

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  • M.S. Makasheva Astana International University
  • A.B. Palymbetova Korkyt Ata University
  • R.J. Akhmetov Korkyt Ata University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

music, teacher, distance learning, technology, musical instrument, mastery, practice.


The article discusses the use of information and communication technologies in the
process of instrumental training of future teachers-musicians based on distance learning. The
importance of distance learning for us is to increase the level of professional instrumental training
of students through the creation of a unified information system of education. The purpose of this
article is to summarize the experience of using distance technologies in teaching special disciplines
in the context of professional training of a future music teacher and to analyze their effective
capabilities in this aspect. Our study compares and analyzes various points of view of modern
teachers in the USA, Russia and Kazakhstan, who study the problems of using information and
communication technologies in the process of conducting individual musical disciplines in the
context of distance learning. In order to improve the performing skills of the future music teacher,
practical recommendations on the use of information and communication technologies in the
learning process have been developed. In order to improve the performing skills of the future music teacher, practical recommendations on the use of information and communication technologies in the learning process have been developed. The research was conducted in the 2022–2023 academic year at the Department of “Traditional Musical Art” of the Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University and in 2023–2024 at the Pedagogical Institute of Astana International University. To achieve the purpose of the study, a questionnaire method was chosen, questionnaires with open and closed types of questions were used. This article analyzes open-type answers. In the process of training specialists, pedagogical conditions for the use of information and communication technologies are determined on the basis of applied research and positive results of practical work in the direction of music and
performing pedagogy.


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