Pedagojik Öğrencilere Yabancı Dilde Temel Konuşma Etkinliği Türlerinin Öğretilmesi Metodolojisi
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öğretim metodolojisi, yabancı dil, üniversite öğrencileri, konuşma etkinliği türleri.Özet
The study of the methodology of teaching foreign languages to students is very important in the context of globalization and the rapid development of high technologies. The article’s aim is to study the methodology of teaching students four types of speech activity in foreign languages. The problem is that universities currently do not pay enough attention to the integrated development of all four types of speech activity, which can only be realized through the use of modern information and communication interactive technologies. The following research methods are used in the article: analysis of scientific literature, induction, deduction, comparison, complex analysis and forecasting, which allowed experimentally to substantiate and show the feasibility of using podcasts on electronic educational platforms when teaching university students a foreign language. The article’s author comes to the conclusion that the use of a set of exercises based on listening to podcasts is effective for the development of four types of speech activity among students, and is useful for providing more informative language material relative to traditional teaching methods. Podcasts increase the level of general cognitive activity of students and motivation, as they provide emotional involvement in obtaining new information. Thanks to podcasts, teachers have the opportunity to individualize learning, differentiate tasks for students based on their level of knowledge and interests, and show the wide possibilities of self-education. The article’s author believes that a promising direction for further research may be the search for the possibilities of methodological justification for the inclusion of podcasts in the curricula of universities.
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