The Dastan of M.H. Dughlat «Jahan-nama»

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Anahtar Kelimeler:

The Turkic-Muslim worldview, the image of the author, the legendary line, conditionality.


The person of the XVI century Muhammad Haidar Dughlat (1499–1551) was not only a famous historian, but also a major creative owner. His popular work «Tarikh-i-Rashidi» is a historical and memoir work from a genre point of view. Meets the requirements of a work of art in terms of the creation and structure of images, language features. And the dastan «Jahan-nama» is a purely literary and poetic work. In the poem, written on the example of the eastern literary tradition, the poet sings about love. Although the work is built on a legendary line, the relationship between parents and children, friends, kinship and brotherhood are described by a complex story. Also, the plot of the dastan reflects the Muslim worldview, a sense of true worship of Allah. The state administration is mentioned. In the introduction to the poem, the author tells about the history of writing the work, including the historical event that he witnessed. Valuable opinions were expressed about the poem by literary scholars. In addition to translating the dastan from the ancient Chagatai language into Kazakh, academician, Orientalist A. Derbisali wrote a voluminous article based on a deep analysis. In the study A. Derbisali's article was based on a methodological basis, a literary and cognitive analysis was carried out; its own views and conclusions were presented. The article used methods of textual, artistic analysis, comparison. The dastan should be widely included in the literary circulation. It is a valuable work that occupies an important place in the history of Kazakh literature. The poet's humanistic reflections are also important for today.


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