Kazakça Öğretiminde Anımsatıcı Yöntemlerin Kullanılmasının Etkinliği

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Anahtar Kelimeler:

hafıza, ezberleme, anımsatıcılar, yöntemler, alan, etkinlik.


The problem of teaching the Kazakh language in our country is one of the most urgent. This direction currently requires optimization, systematization of this area, updating the methodology, increasing the number of experienced specialists and high-quality training content. Of course, it cannot be said that there is neither development nor change. There is development, and change, and result, but slower, with less result. The specialists who teach the Kazakh language also hone their experience and prepare educational content. It is known that this process is being carried out in the republic, starting from kindergartens and ending with schools, colleges, universities, language learning centers and private centers that teach the Kazakh language daily. Every citizen who teaches and studies the Kazakh language directly contributes to the expansion of the scope of the state language, improving the status of our language. Now it is very important that the methodology and training content that ensure the quality of these processes are constantly improved and updated in accordance with the rapid changes of time. To do this, every specialist of the Kazakh language should constantly look for scientific and methodological orientation, be able not only to master new technologies, but also to use them rationally in the classroom.

In language teaching, it is very important that the teacher achieve a true result, i.e. be able to formulate the skills and abilities of the audience to speak Kazakh, write, read, listen and understand. The proposed article discusses various ways to achieve results in teaching the Kazakh language. The authors gave a scientific and theoretical description of mnemonic techniques that allow you to correctly memorize lexical and grammatical material, and suggested ways to use it effectively in language lessons. It is noted that the frequent use of these methods as an innovative technique in linguistics lessons makes it possible to improve the methodology and hone language experience.


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