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  • BURAYEVA Zh. Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Uluslararası Kazak Türk Üniversitesi
  • SULTANMURAT M. South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

creativity, pedagogical creativity, model, method, component, development.


Socio-economic development in society reflects the high demand for a creative person who can successfully solve problems and change their behavior. Modern conditions increase the need for active, business-minded, creative professionals who are able to move forward and solve various problems on their own in non-standard situations. To be confident in the face of constant change, a future computer science teacher must activate his or her creativity and help students discover their potential and focus on solving the problem.

The social demand for education is determined by the needs of the state, society and social groups. In this regard, the social order for creative people capable of creativity, striving for innovation and scientific achievements, non-standard, original thinking makes the issue of formation of pedagogical creativity of future computer science teachers relevant.

The purpose of the structural and content model of the formation of pedagogical creativity of future teachers of computer science is to form their ability to pedagogical creativity: the student's understanding of the meaning and content of pedagogical creativity; aspiration of the student to the formation of pedagogical creativity. Creativity and innovation are an integral part of the learning process and the basis of all disciplines. They are an important aspect of how to teach in the process. In addition, creativity and innovation are crucial for teachers who are improving their professional skills. In terms of creativity, teachers play an important and key role in universities, as they provide organizational support for innovation and creativity in the teaching process. The high level of creativity of teachers contributes to the development of students - to increase their competence and demand in the labor market. However, if there is a big difference between the high level of creativity of the teacher and the low level of perception of students, the high creativity of the teacher has a negative impact. In addition, factors that may have a negative impact are: irrationalism on one or both sides; lack of constructivism, low level of communication skills of the teacher; lack of feedback in the learning process, etc. The considered world trends in the development of education are general. In addition, there are new trends in the development of different types and levels of education, depending on their goals, characteristics, the nature of implementation and the new social requirements for the level of training of relevant graduates.


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