Madina Omarova'nın Hikaye Anlatımında Gotik Sorunu
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gothic, mysticism, literary criticism, contemporary Kazakh storytelling, mysterious fates, expression, writer Madina Omarova.Özet
This article examines the problem of the Gothic in contemporary storytelling of the writer Madina Omarova. Let's imagine that the Gothic style characteristic of Western literature, reflected in the Kazakh prose with an original Kazakh coloring and in the context of synthesis, are analyzed and presented as an ongoing study, building on previous research. To reveal the topic, we use the methodology of modern Kazakh literary studies aimed at studying the author and the methodology of studying mythological-critical hermeneutics, the literary process in the national and international framework. We studied and used the theoretical justification of this problem in the works of Kazakh, Russian, and English literary critics. The initiative of this question was analyzed in the Kazakh literary studies in the article «Gothic expressions in modern Kazakh prose» by Adil Zhakulaev. This was followed by some discussions and work on a project studied on the basis of a grant. Nevertheless, according to the stories of the writer Madina Omarova, we consider it necessary to study the Neo-Gothic style and its artistic activity. Mystical directions, branches of psychologism in traditional Kazakh stories began to be studied in a new way. Therefore, the identification of the Gothic style, its artistic manner through the stories of the writer Madina Omarova becomes the task of the article. This is due to the fact that in Kazakh society the foundations of otherworldly power, negative illusions, mysterious destinies that give the genre character of the gothic are mystically familiar from oral literature. But the embodiment in this gothic style of the struggle between the heroes of the new time reflects the ability of the writer and the new direction in Kazakh literature. From the stories of the writer M. Omarova analyzes the artistic evolution of the gothic genre. The poetic nature is analyzed, the aspiration for the location is expressed. The work on revealing the passive and active element of the gothic in the artistic aspect of the Kazakh narrative is carried out. The process of intertwining elements of gothic and science fiction in the modern Kazakh storytelling is considered.
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