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  • AKMAGAMBETOVA N. Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University
  • ZHORABEKOVA A. Suleyman Demirel University
  • KASSYMOVA G. Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University

Anahtar Kelimeler:

tolerance, students, education, attitude, pragmatic, approach.


This article considers the problem of the formation of tolerance among teenage students in the educational environment via a pragmatic approach. In the modern world there are different cultures, ethnic groups, and people with different worldviews, and to be able to agree and accept another person's point of view it is necessary to develop tolerance. The adolescent age is favorable for the formation of tolerance because at this age the world's outlook, and attitude to themselves and the world develops. With the help of pragmatism, teenagers will be able to form tolerance based on life situations. Every day people are faced with manifestations of intolerance and disrespect in their direction. The consequences of such situations can be irreversible. The article examines the concept of tolerance, which has different meanings depending on the language and the people. The authors of this study found that the concept of tolerance has a variety of content depending on culture and language. The concept of tolerance means the ability to accept other people and their characteristics without protest and to show respect. The development of tolerance helps adolescents to be more adaptive and show respect to other people with different worldviews, cultures, and social characteristics. The development of tolerance at an earlier age can lead to the creation of a more harmonious society. Various research methods were used, including a theoretical analysis of the literature and the Tolerance Index questionnaire, and a survey. The research questions of this article may be useful for those involved in the education and upbringing of adolescents, including parents and teachers, as well as psychologists and sociologists, etc.


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Kassymova G., Shayakhmetkyzy A., Okenova B., Palmanova A., Ussenova Zh. Development of cultural speaking skills of students on the basis of the English language subject through feature films and information technologies // Statistics, accounting and audit. – 2023. – №2(89), 06-14.

Gasanova R.R. Kassymova G.K., Arpentieva M.R., Pertiwi F.D., Duisenbayeva Sh.S. Individual educational trajectories in additional education of teachers // Challenges of Science. – 2020. – Issue III. – P. 59–68.

Kenzhebaeva A.T., Sansyzbaeva D.B., Kasymova G.K. Psihologo-pedagogicheskie usloviia formirovaniia mezhkulturnoi kompetencii u studentov [Psychological and Pedagogical Conditions for the Formation of Intercultural Competence in Students] // Iasaui universitetіnіn habarshysy. – 2022. – №1 (123). – Б. 92–101.

Abutalip D., Yesbossyn M., Pertiwi F.D., Suleimen S.B., Kassymova G.K. Career guidance for Generation Z: modern methods of professional orientation in a stress Period // Challenges of Science. – 2023. – Issue VI. – P. 15–21.

Arlinwibowo J., Kistoro H.C.A., Retnawati H., Kassymova G.K., Kenzhaliyev B.K. Differences between Indonesia and Singapore based on PISA 2015: Five-factor students' perception in science education // Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPA. – 2020. – №6(1). – P. 79–87.

Kassymova G.K., Vafazov F.R., Pertiwi F.D., Akhmetova A.I., Begimbetova G.A. Upgrading Quality of Learning with E-Learning System // Challenges of Science. – 2021. – Issue IV. – P. 26–34.

Sheriyev M.N., Atymtayeva L.B., Beissembetov I.K., Kenzhaliyev B.K. Intelligence system for supporting human-computer interaction engineering processes // Appl. Math. Inf. Sci. – 2016. – Vol. 10, no. 3. – P. 927–935.

