The Optimal Variant of the Sound of Graphemes of the Orkhon Alphabet
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Alphabet of the Orkhon script, Optimal variant, Alphabet, Old Turkic script.Özet
This article suggests the optimal variant of the sound of graphemes when teaching students the Orkhon alphabet. At the end of the 19th century, the great Turkologist V. Thomsen discovered the secret of cuneiform, which had been a mystery for several centuries, and announced its key to the world. The alphabet of the Orkhon script by V. Thomsen, which was considered the key to this Old Turkic Rune, has not lost its meaning until now. After the discovery of Vilhelm Thomsen, the number of researchers of the Orkhon alphabet and writing grew. V. Radlov, S.U. Remezov, P.M. Melioransky, V. Bartold, A.N. Bernstam, S.E. Malov, S.E. Kiselyov, I.A. Batmanov, H.N. Orkun, V. Bang, V.L. Kotvich, G.I. Ramsted, etc. they are named after famous scientists of the world. Among the scientists of the country are G. Aidarov, A. Kuryshzhanov, M. Tomanov, M. Zholdasbekov, A. Amanzholov, A. Kaidar, S. Khasanov and others who studied the Old Turkic language. Currently, this area is deeply studied by such scientists as K. Sartkozhauly, K. Salgarauly, B. Orynbay, N. Bazylkhan, M. Eskeeva, A. Salkynbay, A.K. Kairzhanov, G. Sagidolla, etc. Having found the key to the Orkhon script, V. Tomsen published the Orkhon alphabet of 38 tamgas and made a great discovery for the Turkic world. European scientists V. Thomsen, V. Radlov, etc., as well as domestic people of education G. Aidarov, A. Kuryshzhanov, M. Tomanov, S. Khasanova, etc. wrote educational manuals and books with the alphabetic structure of the scientist V. Thomsen. Currently, university philology students use the first variant of the sound of tamgas (V. Tomsen, 1893) when teaching the Orkhon alphabet. The optimal variant of grapheme sounding proposed by us, the alphabet created by V. Thomsen, makes it easy for philology students to learn.
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