Contribution of Academician Nemat Kelimbetov to the Development of Pedagogical Science of Kazakhstan
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Anahtar Kelimeler:
Saks, Huns, Turkic khanate, patriotic spirit, values, heroic epics, literary artifacts, artistic traditions, national idea, children’s duty, the idea of «Kazakh Yeli – Mangilik Yel», intellectual potential, scientific worldview, mental abilities.Özet
The article discusses the contribution of Nemat Kelimbetov to the development of
pedagogical science in Kazakhstan. The period of formation of the Kazakh nation as a nation was indicated in the research works from the time of the Turkic Khaganate in the spirit of incomparable patriotism. The analysis of the ancient Turkic literary monuments from the heroic epic of Saks and Huns to the period of the Kazakh Khanate is made on the basis of artistic traditions. Scientific analysis is done to the heroic epics of the Saks and the Huns, the historical epics of the Turkic people Avasta, «Alyp Yer Tonga», «Tomiris», the heroic exploits of Saks and the Huns. He was one of the founders who revealed the spiritual heritage of Al-Farabi, Khoja Akhmed Yassawi, Yusuf Balasagun, the heritage of Abai, the life of the khans who ruled the country in difficult times, the lives of the heroes who defended the country, as well as the main spiritual food, inexhaustible treasures, culture and philosophy of the Kazakh people since the ancient times. Nemat Kelimbetov is a unique personality and the formation of the intellectual potential of youth is based on him. The scientist’s legacy contributes to the development of active thinking, the
formation of basic values and a modern scientific worldview, the development of their
consciousness with the help of reliable and necessary knowledge, the development of intellectual abilities and the enthusiasm for knowledge at the highest level. The scientist’s research as a fundamental contribution of the great heritage of the Turkic people to the education of the modern generation is considered in this article as well. Nemat Kelimbetov, studying the instructive legacy of great scientists, left an indelible legacy to the Kazakh people as a scientist who was able to use his personality and wisdom in upbringing the modern generation. The scientist’s essay «Letter to the Son» is the edification of the father to his son. It is the main educational source in the formation of a modern family
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