The Effectiveness of Using Videolecture in Teaching Biology
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videolecture, forms of training organization, efficiency, distance learning, teaching methods, information technology tools, education.Abstract
This article discusses the issues of effective use of video lectures in teaching biology, the methodological foundations of its creation and improving the effectiveness of teaching using video tutorials. Due to the transition of the educational process to a distance learning format due to the epidemic situation in the country, dependence on the use of video lectures in education
has increased. The main purpose of the study is to identify the advantages and disadvantages of using video lectures in higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan and to improve the quality of education through the use of video lectures.
The research work was carried out for 3rd year students of the specialty «Biology» of al-Farabi Kazakh National University. When studying the effectiveness of video lectures in teaching
biology, video tutorials were filmed using various information technologies. The use of these technologies in the biology course contributes to the development of students' level of training and
skills in the use of ICT.
During the theoretical analysis, positive and negative aspects of the use of video lectures were identified. The positive aspects-the ability to effectively use time management and review the video
lecture at any time – showed the importance of obtaining information for students. The negative aspects are affected by the passivity of students when watching video lectures, as well as the lack of direct contact with the lecturer. The results of this study are important both for the development of psychodidactics of the university and for the development of a system of video lectures for individual training courses.
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