Distance Learning at University Mastering Modern Technologies
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distance learning, COVID-19, form of teaching, process, online learning, informatization, technology, internet, Module, Program.Abstract
The main goals of the education system are the formation of a versatile, creative personality with a high level of cognitive interest. At present, it is important for society to follow global information processes on the basis of their informational nature. Therefore, the attitude to the types and methods of Education began to change. Informatization of education and the use of information technologies in the educational process are becoming one of the most important issues in the education system. As you know, one of the biggest tasks of today is to master modern technologies. In the article, the authors give an overview of the history of distance learning of the educational process in universities due to the suppression of the epidemic around the world. According to international organizations, the views of Western scientists on online education were studied. In the process of Distance Learning, Microsoft has made sure that it is possible to increase the activity of students in a wide audience using various methods on the platforms «Teams», «Bandecam», «Canva Com», «LMS».
When using the Microsoft Teams platform in the learning process, you can name its advantages and disadvantages. The university was able to use various methodological approaches to teaching using information technologies. The effectiveness of distance learning is determined and explained by the pedagogical meaning embedded in it. Distance learning technologies are designed to create an educational space that promotes students' self-determination by organizing elective courses, information work, and profile orientation.
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