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public speaking skill, English language, method, development, ZOOM platform.Abstract
This article focuses on the research and methods used to develop public speaking in English. The study was carried out over 3 months and consisted of 2 stages. To learn more about the advantages of the proposed method, I participated in the first stage, and 70 people took part in the second stage who wanted to speak fluent English. They were of different ages and different social statuses. The study was conducted online in connection with the pandemic. The method used was the ZOOM platform, participants' emails, and telegrams. In the method used, the participants showed 3 different levels of results. 47 participants achieved the highest score, 19 participants completed the average score, and the remaining 4 participants achieved lower scores than the other results. Any participant can reach the highest level if he learns English in compliance with all the requirements and rules of the method used. This method differs from other methods of teaching English in that it focuses on speaking English. Since English is meant to be told, language only develops through speech. Through everyday practice, speaking English in public is formed and evolved. Considering the results and opinions of the students who participated in the research on the topic, it was concluded that the method used is the most effective and valuable.
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