Analysis of Hussein Rahmi Gurpinar’s novel “Hakka Sygyndyk”

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Turkish novel, method of text analysis, folk beliefs, epidemics, health.


A pandemic, also known as an epidemic disease, is one of the most common
concepts in history. Novels about epidemics in Turkish literature show that the disease is
exacerbated by malnutrition and poor physical condition. Apparently, the works on the epidemic are
based on real events together with the beliefs of people and solutions to problems. There are not
many literary works about the epidemic in Turkish literature. In this context, Hüseyin Rahmi
Gürpinar’s novel “Hakka Sığındık” occupies a special place. In the field of literature, Gürpınar is
known for his novels. His literary works are written on the topic of social criticism. In his works,
the author is able to depict the scandals of society, ignorance and false beliefs, and expresses his
criticism in combination with real events. In some of his works, he indirectly shows the dramatic
image of the plot. Hussein Rahmi Gürpınara’s novel “Hakka Sığındık” (1919) describes the impact
of the Spanish flu on public life. The purpose of our study is to show the example of the method of
literary analysis, which is one of the most important topics in the disciplines related to literature.
This novel, which is analyzed in our study, is analyzed by the “method of analysis of artistic text”
prof. Şerif Aktaş. The analysis focused on the topics of mentality, structure, themes, language and
style. There are also interactions between the main character, the elements of space and time in the
novel, the connection of the plot of the novel with real life.


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