Eastern Motif in Kazakh Literature (based on the fairy tale “A Thousand and One Nights”)
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classical oriental literature, motif, folklore, poetic transformation, dastan, genesis, typology.Abstract
One of the relevant aspects of the study of modern comparative literature is the
study of the complex of motives and motional complexes. Modern literary critics attach great
importance to the motive and the motive complex. Because research on the motive and the motive complex in literature shows the influence of a certain literary period and individual folk literatures on the global literary process. Literary critics note that translated works are a separate aspect of the study, since the “plot-motive repertoire” of literature develops primarily due to translated works. The collection “One Thousand and One Nights” is recognized as one of the best examples of world literature. He entered the spiritual life, folklore and written literature of many peoples. “Tales of Scheherazade” is the most beautiful and highly artistic work among the remarkable monuments of oral literature. The life of the people is always reflected in its folklore. That is why the tale is a rich material for ethnocultural research. It will identify the main concepts of the national image of the world and track its changes. The tale is one of the traditions and genres that for many centuries have not lost their significance for world art culture. Subjects, motifs, images from folklore fairy tales are transmitted from generation to generation, play the role of carriers of cultural values and norms adopted in society. “A Thousand and One Nights” is a work that has become a phenomenon of mass culture in the fairy tale genre. There are many subjects and motives of this collection in world literature, Kazakh literature is no exception.
The article examines the origin, distribution around the world, the influence on world
literature of the book “One Thousand and One Nights”, which became a medieval Arabic
encyclopedia, including the poetic transformation of the motives of this collection in Kazakh
literature of the XIX–XX centuries. In addition, various variants of dastan SeifulmalikBadigulzhamal” from “One Thousand and One Nights” were investigated by a comparative analytical method.
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