The Concept of “Mother” in the Turkic Linguocultural Space (Based on Precedent Names Common to the Turkic People)
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Turkic languages, concept, precedent name, Turkic worldview, linguoculturology. language picture of the Turkic world.Abstract
Research related to the Turkic world is being explored more and more intensively
every year. These studies reveal new aspects of language and literature, history, and culture from
ancient times to the present day and are carried out in continuity with each other. The concept of
“Mother”, which serves as the object of our research, is a historical and basic concept.
Consideration of the linguistic and cultural features of precedent names in the Turkic languages,
representing this concept, which has not lost its meaning from ancient times to the present day,
confirms the relevance of our exploration. The meaning and place of the mother among the Turkic
peoples are special. To conduct the research, we have to reveal the content of the concepts of the
precedent phenomenon, precedent name, and concept, identify precedent names representing the concept of “Mother” among the Turkic peoples, analyze the situations underlying their development to the degree of precedent name, identify information and facts that reveal the content of precedent names associated with the concept of “Mother” in the cognitive base of the linguistic consciousness of the Turkic peoples. We also set such tasks as classifying the precedents associated with the “Mother” according to their linguo-cognitive and linguoculturological features (mythical precedents, religious precedents, and historical precedent names common to the Turkic peoples). Our goal is to identify cultural and cognitive connections among the Turkic peoples, and precedent names associated with the “Mother”, by completing the above tasks and conducting a comparative analysis between related languages. As a result of the study, the lingua-cognitive features of the precedents identified in the related Turkic languages were compared. The circumstances that led to the birth of precedent names were analyzed. Precedent names have also been classified according to their distinguishing features. Even though the roots of the Turkic peoples are the same, there are differences in their mentality and culture, therefore, the precedents formed in the cognitive knowledge base of these peoples describe the expression of their culture and knowledge in the language. This, in turn, indicates the importance of our research.
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