The Importance of the Development of Compilation of Monolingual Dictionaries (by the Example of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Kazakh Language)

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  • A. Bayniyazov U. Zhanibekov South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University
  • Zh. Bayniyazova U. Zhanibekov South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University


dictionary tradition, monolingual explanatory dictionary, Kazakh language, Kazakh literary language dictionary.


. There are many types of dictionaries depending on the purpose and scope of use.
Among them, a special place is occupied by monolingual explanatory dictionaries, which reflect the
vocabulary of the cultural life of the people as a whole. Explanatory dictionaries are a real resource
that collects the vocabulary of a language in one place. The creation and improvement of
monolingual dictionaries has its own unique features. Therefore, it is important to continue the
tradition of employing the basics of lexicography in explanatory dictionaries, expand them,
republish them, and constantly update them. The article emphasizes the importance of constantly
updating the explanatory dictionary and improving its vocabulary articles. In particular, the 15-
volume “Dictionary of the Kazakh Literary Language”, prepared by the Akhmet Baitursynuly
Institute of Linguistics in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2011, was selected. This dictionary is an
example of creating an explanatory dictionary, reflecting existing traditions and practices of
scientific creation of dictionaries. In addition, the article also discusses such issues as ways to
enrich the content of dictionary entries by selecting the examples from works of art, examples of
spelling complex words, conventional abbreviations; it also provides various explanations of
individual concepts for dictionary entries. Particular attention is paid to explaining political terms
such as “sovet” (Soviet) and “tarikh” (history) associated with the Soviet era.


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