Formation of Subject Competencies of Future Philologists by Teaching Spelling through a Model System

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  • M.D. Taldybaeva Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • F.Sh. Orazbayeva Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University


spelling of the Kazakh language, model, modeling, orthogram, subject competence.


The article considers the formation of subject competencies of future philologists
by teaching Kazakh spelling in higher educational institutions through a model-based approach. It
was believed that the combination of teaching spelling modeling norms at a university with the
formation of communicative competencies of a future teacher of the Kazakh language opens the
way to the development of professional competence In the course of the experiment, the principles of communicativeness, intelligibility and interest in knowledge, and conscientiousness were taken into account in the organization of work in this direction. It was noted that the ability to organize oral, written assignments and multimedia format projects in the form of paired, group and team work has a special place for future language teachers. First, the students felt the benefits of working together, got along with each other and perfectly understood the techniques of teamwork. They were aware of the system of skills they needed, the mechanisms for learning and teaching them. This created a prerequisite for the conscious assimilation of knowledge. It was taken into account that the correct application of the basic requirements for a future teacher plays an important role in the development of his professional competencies. It was suggested that if the requirements for modeling training are met and the relevant characteristics are identified, the opportunities for the development of professional-cognitive, professional-intellectual, professional-cultural competencies of the student will increase. In addition, when studying the spelling of the Kazakh language, the culture of speech, general communication, their mental abilities and behavior were taken into account. When modeling, it was taken into consideration that the development of a student's thinking is as important as the improvement of his speech skills. The attention was drawn to the fact that modeling training occupies a special role in the development of communicative and cognitive, subject competencies of future professionals.


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