Methods of Teaching Historical Personalistics in the Courses of the History of Kazakhstan

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  • B.M Mambetov Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • Kh.M. Tursun Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • M.M. Mirzahmetov Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University


Historical personalistics, biographical approach, learning milestone, cone of learning, modern teaching technologies, methods of teaching history.


During the period of Independence, the historical science of Kazakhstan has
emerged from the situation of a theoretical and methodological crisis and is developing with a focus on world-class humanitarian values. The main goal of the research topic is to determine the
pedagogical potential of historical figures and improve teaching methods using a biographical
approach in the direction of studying historical figures. In studies concerning contemporary
historical figures, new conclusions were made and a body of literature relevant to historical
knowledge was formed. However, using the example of individuals, it has been established that the methods for the formation of historical knowledge have not been developed, and the existing
methods themselves need to be improved. It was concluded that the use of substantive and
conceptual innovations in the direction of historical Personology in the teaching of professional
disciplines can be effectively used in improving the professional qualifications of specialist
personnel in the direction of forming a young person. The updated plan of the content of the
discipline, presented as an elective course, allows you to successfully apply a wide range of
innovative teaching methods.


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