Formation and Development of Mathematical Literacy in the Context of PISA-2021 Program Concept

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  • D.N. Nurgabyl Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov
  • B.B. Satkulov Zhetysu University named after I. Zhansugurov


: modular learning technology, mathematical literacy, algorithmic teaching method, thinking skills, task reduction method, PISA international studies.


. This article presents the results of pedagogical experiments, which revealed
educational problems that teachers face in the process of teaching mathematical literacy to
schoolchildren: a low proportion of practice-oriented tasks in the total number of educational tasks
in school mathematics intended for 15-year-old schoolchildren, a passive attitude of teachers to the
formation of mathematical literacy among schoolchildren. The analysis of the experimental data
made it possible to conclude that the knowledge and skills of teachers on the issues of reducing the
standard task of the school mathematics course are insufficient to problem situations in the context
of the PISA assessment tasks, compiling task systems for these tasks, containing an algorithm for
solving the assigned problem, description of a visual object that allows the visualization of the task.
To solve these problems, the paper proposes to apply a modular learning technology in the process
of teaching schoolchildren mathematical literacy, an algorithmic method for reducing a standard
task to assessment-learning tasks in the context of the PISA-2021 program concept. In the work,
examining the task to the problem situation as an object of mental activity of students, the main
components of the "Mathematical Reasoning" of the student are highlighted. Namely: recognizes
the area of the task; singles out the main components of the tasks; to bring data under known
concepts; establishes interdisciplinary links; applies induction, interdisciplinary knowledge in the
preparation of a mathematical model; solves a mathematical problem; interprets, evaluates the
solution in the context of the phenomenon under consideration. The analysis of algorithms for
solving tasks made it possible to identify the following key structural components of mathematical
literacy: understanding the context of tasks; the ability to establish correspondences between
various objects, apply induction and knowledge, build mathematical models, find solutions to
mathematical models of tasks, interpret and evaluate the solutions obtained; have mathematical
reasoning skills. The final experimental study confirmed the effectiveness of the developed
methodology for the formation and development of mathematical literacy at 15 year old


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