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image, imagery, qualitative semantics, cultural connotation, motivation, emotionality.


Both external appearance and internal structure are complex units – the semantics of phraseological units is considered one of the most important issues in the world of phraseology. It is relevant from this point of view to describe the features of the image in the phraseological meaning by interpreting the meaning of phraseological units in the Kazakh and Turkish languages. The article concludes that special units in the language system – phraseological units perform all three functions of the language – communicative, cumulative, aesthetic, and this function of phraseological units is realized through the internal form – image. Based on this conclusion, the image motivates the true meaning of the phraseology; that it shows evaluation and emotionality in the phraseological sense; that it is a carrier of cultural connotation proven by comparing qualitative semantic phraseology in the Kazakh and Turkish languages. It is concluded that phraseologisms are motivated not by the meaning of their components, but by the associated image of the real world in the mind of the language owner. In some phraseological units, the initial base-image may not be clear, but it is said that it can be determined etymologically, because the image is an internal form, and without the internal form, it is concluded that the phraseology itself does not exist. The fact that the image shows components in the range of “good-bad”, “approve-disapprove” – evaluation and emotionality is confirmed by a comparative analysis of phraseological units in two languages. It is considered that the connotative content of an ethno-cultural nature is not an auxiliary meaning adverb in the structure of phraseological meaning, but a mandatory and main element, because the image base – internal form of phraseological units is formed on the basis of the national-cultural worldview. It is determined that the category of imagery is characteristic of all qualitative semantic phraseological units.


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