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art of aitys, folklore, common heritage of Turkic people, aitys poets, Aktobe region, Kazakhstan, national idea, national values.Abstract
The article is devoted to the study of Kazakh poets’ aitys of the XIX–XX centuries, when the specific and syncretic art of the Kazakh aitys was revived in the western part of Kazakhstan. The authors study the national spirit and ideas in the aitys by comparing aitys to relevant poetry cross-culturally or cross-linguistically and map aitys onto the folkloric Russian-Kazakh legacy. The works of Abubakir Kerderi, Sarysholak Boranbaiuly, Kurmanali Dauituly, and Nurpeyis Baiganin are also compared. The authors of research articles about the problem of the national idea in aitys have proved that its historical development is a kind of thematic-ideological, artistic character of aitys, using methods of analysis, systematization and formulation. The authors argue that aitys is not only an art and genre, but also a spiritual value of Kazakh people, although also found in other peoples, but its development over many centuries is a national feature born of the nation’s attitude to cultural heritage and attention to the art of speech. The new aspect of the proposed method is the authors’ focus on the main cognitive purpose of the art of aitys being primarily to develop its own content and complement it with an idea, continuing the tradition of honoring and studying the spirit of a fully developed person. In particular, an expressiveness has been formed – the invaluable work of aityskers developing both oral and written qualities of a rich literary heritage, so genre development is comprehensively analysed.
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