Features of Health-Related Tradıtıons ın Kazakh Culture

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  • Atemova K. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
  • Zhiyenbayev Ye. Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


welfare, family, national values, traditions, blood purity, health, generations.


Kazakh people have always seen human health as the first wealth and gave importance to healthy life above all in education. This is also true today. With the rapid development and change of today's society, competition in life has psychological and physiological effects on human health. In this study, the folk tradition of healthy life in Kazakh culture is explained with its unique features and its genetic importance is explained. Based on the Kazakh people's tradition of not marrying for seven generations, different ways of maintaining blood purity and establishing a healthy family are discussed. The role of parents in the family order and the importance of health among young people and adults are stated. In addition, the current situation of the Kazakh people's health traditions was examined in comparison with the views of the Turkic peoples living in the southern region of Kazakhstan, and determinations were made according to the results of the surveys and interviews. In the survey study, “Do you strictly comply with the condition of not marrying until seven belly buttons, or does it not matter to you?”, “Do you know your seven ancestors?”, “How old do you think an individual should get married”, “What if your family objects to your decision and preference to start a family? do you?” and “Did you know that avoiding consanguineous marriages up to seven navels is important for generational health, How do you know?” By asking questions such as, the effects and consequences of global phenomena on the attitudes of today's youth were analyzed. In the conclusion part of the study, the importance of Kazakh culture, which shapes the welfare of the generation in the context of family upbringing, is presented.


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