Linguocognitive Analysis of the Concept of «Diligence/Laziness» in Kazakh Paremiology
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concept, cognitive linguistics, industriousness, laziness, proverbs-sayings, paremic units.Abstract
The article examines the paremiological picture of the world based on the concepts of «diligence\\laziness». The concept defines the worldview of a certain people, notifies about the culture of an entire epoch. To define the concept, it is necessary to determine the features of the worldview and their relationship with objects, their activities and descriptions of national consciousness. The purpose of the article under study is to analyze the concepts of «diligence \\ laziness» in the manner of Kazakh proverbs and sayings and to define in them the national-cultural form and the cognitive part.
Speaking about national traditions and customs, the thinking of the Kazakh people, proverbs and sayings are of great importance, which summarize folk psychology with only one or two oral words, including the linguistic expression of the human soul – especially inherent in the Kazakh people, the teaching about different life moments.The purpose and idea of the article under study is to study the picture of the world in the concepts of «diligence \\ laziness» on the example of Kazakh proverbs and sayings. Proverbs and sayings of the Kazakh people are included in the national code of culture, and the study of proverbs and sayings of the Kazakh people of the concept of «diligence \\laziness», as well as the definition of the characteristics of the semantic volume, ethno-linguistic conceptual analysis and methods of associative experiment are used. The value of the article under study is to rid society of laziness by discovering the essence of linguistic units that idealize diligence to do work honestly and strengthen the idea of diligence.
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