Poetic Features of the Works of Mukagali Makatayev for Children

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  • S.D. Abisheva Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
  • Zh.Sh. Sametova Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University


Mukagali Makatayev, children's literature, children's poetry, Kazakh literature, poetry


In the article, the authors analyzed a new aspect of Mukagali Makatayev creativity, which had not previously been encountered in any scientific research, not written in dissertation, monographic works. That is, the authors analyzed the poetic features of the poet Mukagali's poems, which were not studied as a separate scientific work for children. To prove the existence of nursery rhymes in the poet's work, the authors analyzed the poems based on eight different requirements for children's poetry. The authors carried out the analysis based on the works of such scientists as K. Chukovsky, Sh. Akhmetov, A. Altai is about children's poetry.
In addition, the method of reviewing the works of scientists who previously studied Mukagali Makatayev's work in the dissertation volume, step-by-step method, comprehensive analysis of the poetry poetics, the method of examination ofcurricula and methods of comparison in literature are used in the article. As a result, it was proved thatthe works of M.Makatayev for children are a relevant topic that requires a separate and complex study.
In the article, the authors carry out a poetic analysis of several poems by Mukagali Makataev and give examples proving that these works are intended for children. Although the opinion of the authors contradicts some principles in the decisions of previous studies, the specific analyzes presented in the research work fully reveal the novelty of the article through the conclusions.



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