The Use of Phraseology in Political Discourse
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text, political discourse, phraseological units, implication, presupposition, illocative speech act, representations, directives, expressives.Abstract
The article discusses the relationship and features of the concepts of text and discourse, analyzes the problems of political discourse in detail. Sure, political discourse or political communication will be realized in institutional condition. Language and politics are closely related. Language is not only a means of communication, but also a means of forming and realizing a certain political ideology. Language analysis of political texts is carried out assuming ideology as the main support of political discourse. The social and political terminology and phraseological system in political texts are taken on the basis of language analysis. Phraseological units possess all the characteristics required for political discourse, namely, clear and expressive to convey the thought, politician used idioms affect the long-term preservation of information in the mind of the perceiver, thus becoming viable, bring together the policy people. At the same time, the language of politics is constantly evolving with society and influences the emergence of neo-phraseological applications. New elements in the composition and structure of any language unit arouse interest in a person, and also contribute to an effective impact on the recipient's thinking. The article examines the use and functional nature of the phraseological system in various speech acts, in particular locative, illocative and perlocative speech acts and is justified on the basis of specific language facts.
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